Recording a Participant Life Plan

To add a Life Plan, we first go to the participant's record"

Life Plan

We name the participant's life plan, and set the creation date:

Life Plan

We are then directed to the Life Plan record. We see a summary of the participant's assessments, to assist us in selecting long term goals.

Life Plan

Next we add a long term goal:

Life Plan

In this example, we select a long term goal based on the participant's assessment goals:

Life Plan

Next we add specific strategies/steps that will help our participant achieve this long term goal:

Life Plan

Note that Strategy/Step selection is based on the prefix (matching the long-term goal) that we set up earlier:

Life Plan

We continue adding long term goals and associated strategies/steps until we've completed the participant's life plan:

Life Plan

As the participant works toward their goals, we can record their progress:

Life Plan

The progress report records the progress (as a percentage), and allows you to annotate their efforts:

Life Plan

As we return to the Life Plan record, we see their progress:

Life Plan

 When we visit the Life Plan Report, we see that our participant's Life Plan is reflected in the aggregate statistics:

Life Plan well in the participant's detailed life plan section:

Life Plan