The Participant Record
The Participant Record is the heart of the Welcome Home Database! From this record, you can manage just about all aspects of your relationship with a participant.
Using the Participant Directory
Many screens and reports will have links to the individual participant's record, but an easy way to get to their record is via the Participant Directory:
Select the letter corresponding to the participant's last name:
There are a couple of special display options. Click the "*" to view all records:
Click the "#" to view all records that don't begin with an alphabetic character:
From the directory display, you can view the participant's record by clicking the icon:
The Main Record Block
The Main Participant block provides basic information about the participant:
You can edit this information by clicking the icon. To delete, click the
icon. Note: it should be a rare instance (usually a data entry error) that requires you to delete a participant record.
Admins can view a downloadable PDF document with all info about a participant by clicking on this link. More info can be found here.
Tabbed Information
The participant record also includes tabbed information. To expand or collapse a section, click on the plus/minus button.
You can add, edit, or remove participant charges and payments from the Account Balance section:
You can add a participant assessment in the Assessments section. The participant assessment will be based on an assessment template that you have previously configured (more info here).
A participant can take the same assessment multiple times, or can take different assessments. The WHDB is initially configured with the Arizona Self-Sufficiency Matrix assessment.
You can view the participant's Coach Assignment History in this tab. Note: coach assignments are made from the life coach record, not the participant record.
You can maintain a Contact history with each participant here. You can also set optional reminders. There is no limit to the number of contacts you can record.
The External Contacts section allows you to enter as many contacts as necessary for your participant:
When a new participant is entered into the system, they typically create a household, where the participant is the sole member of the household. However, if families are under your care, you can easily combine participant records into a single household. Note: before a person can be added to a household, they must have a Participant Record. This Household section allows you to view members of a household and add new members.
You can add, review, or comment on incidents in the Incident Report section. The "Incident Type" is a field that admins can configure in the list manager.
The Life Plan allows you and your participant to identify goals and specific steps to achieve those goals. A life plan is not directly connected to an assessment, but can be configured to mirror an assessment's participant goals. A participant can have as many life plans as necessary. Info on configuring life plan templates can be found here.
You can establish relationships beween participants. You can record as many relationships as necessary.
You can view a participant's residence history here. You can also record a change in residence. A residence can either be a location defined for your program (more info here) or an exteranal location.
You can periodically add Session Reports to monitor the status of your participants.
You can maintain a Media Catalog for each participant. The media can consist of images, PDF documents, and MP3 audio files, which can be uploaded from your computer into the Welcome Home Database.