
The Welcome Home Database contains many user-configurable lists. These lists help you match the software with the implementation of your transitional housing program.

You can access the list manager by clicking:


 Here are the lists you can manage:


To add or edit a list item, click the link of the list type.

 List  Where Used   Notes
Accounting/Charges Participant Record, accounting reports Types of charges and fees
Accounting/Payments Participant Record, accounting reports Types of payments (cash, check, in-kind, etc)
Activity Type  (reserved) (reserved)
Application Status  Application Record Indicates the status of a participant's application
Appointment Type  (reserved) (reserved)
Race/Ethicity Participant Record, demographic reports  
Gender Identification  Participant Record, demographic reports  
Goals (long term) Life Plans Not directly tied to assessments, but can be configured to mirror assessment domains
Goals (strategies/steps) Life Plans Not directly tied to assessments or long term goals, but can be configured to be associated with long term goals
Incident Report Type Participant records, incident reports  
Organization Type Coach Resources When entering an organization under Coach Resources, you can specify the organization type
Primary Income Source Application and Participant Record   
Contact Log Group / Type  Various WHDB records allow you to attach contact records   Helps you organize your contacts
"Attributed To" List  Various WHDB records Optional; helps you identify how contacts, participants, etc came to your organization
Contact Preference  Participant Records What is the person's preference for getting in touch?
States  Application and Participant records  
Relationship Types Participant Record Used when establishing relationships between different participants that you serve
Media Tags  Various WHDB records You can apply tags to images, documents, and audio recordings to help you organize your media